1. Surprise! Fairtrade Doesn't Benefit The Poor Peasants - Forbes

    Surprise! Fairtrade Doesn't Benefit The Poor Peasants - Forbes
  2. Fairtrade und Kapitalismus

    Der Kapitalismus soll ja an vielem schuld sein, besonders aber an der Ausbeutung und den Missständen in Asien. Ein Trugschluss, denn Kapitalismus ist hier nicht unbedingt das Problem, sondern vielmehr die Lösung.
    The European
  3. Fairtrade: Is it really fair?

    As more than 70 countries celebrate World Fair Trade Day on Saturday, Sarah Morrison examines the scheme's pros and cons
    The Independent
  4. Fairtrade und Humanitäre Interventionen

    Paul Collier spricht im Interview mit Alexandra Schade und Michael Kröber über fairen Handel, den Handel zwischen Europa und Afrika, finanzielle Sanktionen sowie den Arabischen Frühling. Demokratie, so Colliers Fazit, muss gelernt werden.
    The European
  5. It's a fair way! - Co-operative News

    THE Midcounties Co-operative is helping to educate pupils from a Walsall school about the importance of buying Fairtrade products. Between 16 and 18 October 2006, children at Castle School in Odell Road, Leamore took part in educational workshops learning about Fairtrade products and farming in de
    Co-operative News
  6. Fairtrade Movement: Ethical Shopping Made Easy - TNT Magazine

    Thanks to the Fairtrade movement, it has never been so easy to demolish guilt-free chocolate and get wired on ethical coffee.
    TNT Magazine
  7. Fairtrade International

    This website gives you a quick introduction to Fairtrade, including how to get involved as a consumer, producer or business.