1. Starbucks cuts back sale of Fairtrade coffee in UK

    It is understood that Starbucks will retain its Fairtrade supplies for certain blends of coffee but has axed relationships with other suppliers
    Evening Standard
  2. Starbucks cuts back sale of Fairtrade coffee in UK

    It is understood that Starbucks will retain its Fairtrade supplies for certain blends of coffee but has axed relationships with other suppliers.
    Tivyside Advertiser
  3. It's Fairtrade Fortnight: Choose The World You Want! - Bournemouth University

    It's Fairtrade Fortnight: Choose The World You Want! - Bournemouth University
  4. Education for a fair and green world

    The Sidmouth Fairtrade group worked with local schools to raise awareness of global trading issues last year
    Sidmouth Herald
  5. Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

    Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 2022
    Sutton Council
  6. District flies the flag for Fairtrade

    ACTIVITIES are being staged across the district to mark Fairtrade Fortnight.
    Keighley News
  7. Fairtrade greets Nestlé move for cocoa farmer income accelerator

    The Fairtrade Foundation has signalled that Nestlé’s move for financial support to farmers in cocoa growing communities through an ‘Income Accelerator,’ initiative offers a positive step forward, writes Neill Barston.
    Confectionery Production
  8. Starbucks coffee will no longer be Fairtrade as retailer cuts ties with charity in UK & Europe

    The coffee chain says it will use its own standard for ethical supply chains to replace the Fairtrade Foundation’s certification
  9. As Fairtrade Fortnight begins we reveal the fairest price for ethical goods

    WHAT’S a fair price to pay for Fairtrade goods? Next week sees the start of Fairtrade Fortnight, when Brits are encouraged to buy ethical goods to help farmers and families in the developing world.…
    The Scottish Sun
  10. Support Fairtrade at Exeter’s historic Guildhall - Exeter City Council

    Support Fairtrade at Exeter’s historic Guildhall - Exeter City Council
  11. Support Fairtrade at Exeter’s historic Guildhall

    Exeter celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight on Saturday 5 March with a coffee morning in the presence of the Lord Mayor at the city’s historic Guildhall.
  12. Co-op staff in Worthing share the love on Valentine’s Day, ahead of Fairtrade Fortnight

    Fairtrade Fortnight kicked off early in Worthing with Co-op staff sharing the love on Valentine’s Day.
  13. Hinckley campaigner urges people to buy Fairtrade this 'Fairbruary'

    The campaign aims to get a fairer wage for farmers in developing countries
  14. Fairtrade in focus as Lichfield retailer hosts free online events - Lichfield Live

    Fairtrade in focus as Lichfield retailer hosts free online events - Lichfield Live
  15. Packed programme to mark Fairtrade Fortnight in Glossopdale

    Glossopdale Fairtrade Group's Fairtrade Fortnight starts next week and there's a full programme of events again. 
    Quest Media Network
  16. Campaign for climate justice continues with Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 - East Dunbartonshire Council

    Campaign for climate justice continues with Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 - East Dunbartonshire Council
  17. A Valentine’s Day gift to the world: Leading ethical jewellery brand Lebrusan Studio to begin planting trees for every jewel sold

    In partnership with OneTreePlanted, London-based ethical jewellery brand Lebrusan Studio has launched its Treasure for Trees initiative, wherein 10 trees are planted for every piece of jewellery sold....
    ResponseSource Press Release Wire
  18. Fairtrade in focus as Lichfield retailer hosts free online events - Lichfield Live®

    Communities will get to learn more about the benefits of Fairtrade products at events organised by a Lichfield retailer.